Atomic Fragments

A series of short philosophical texts
Atomic Fragments by Alexandru R

If I were to comment, I would argue that the nature of humanity is absurd, its existence a total miracle and its courage an act of madness.

The concept can be understood through the lenses of philosophical theories such as absurdism, the philosophical understanding of miracles, and the concept of courage as a form of madness. Absurdism, a philosophical theory, suggests that the universe is irrational and meaningless, and that attempts to find meaning often lead to…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Peacemakers are masters of centric compromise. If you’re on either side, you’ve already committed yourself to some kind of battle, and not to peace.

The philosophical concept is rooted in the idea that peacemakers, by their very nature, seek to find common ground and reconcile differences. This is often associated with the political philosophy of centrism, which emphasises compromise, balance, and pragmatism. Centrism is arguably not a conventional ideology with specific political goals, but…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Anything can be tolerated so long as it can be profoundly understood.

The concept highlights the power of knowledge and understanding in shaping our perspectives and influencing our ability to accept or endure different situations. When we delve deep into the nature of something, whether it's a challenging circumstance, a different belief system, or a complex problem, we gain valuable insights that…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Censoring always makes the censored more appealing.

The concept highlights the intriguing dynamic between censorship and human curiosity. When something is censored or restricted, it tends to generate heightened interest and allure among individuals. This phenomenon can be observed in various aspects of society, ranging from literature and art to political movements and cultural expressions. The act…

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150 150 Alexandru R

The future is unknown to us because man has a habit of stealing wonders man doesn’t understand and insist that they are made ordinary.

​​The concept encapsulates the tendency of human beings to rationalise and normalise extraordinary phenomena or advancements that they cannot fully comprehend. Throughout history, humanity has been confronted with remarkable discoveries and innovations that challenge existing beliefs and push the boundaries of knowledge. However, instead of embracing these wonders, humans often…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Breaking free is a solitary act.

To mean that individual freedom often requires personal agency and autonomy. While external factors such as social structures, cultural norms, or familial expectations can influence an individual's choices, ultimately, the decision to pursue one's own path and break free from these constraints must come from within. It is a personal…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Above all else, one essential thing poverty takes away from people is choice. Choice – a basic human need – in this instance is mostly in the hands of others, and that gives them power over other people’s lives. Poverty is the greatest social injustice of our time as a civilised species.

The idea that poverty limits people's choices is a well-established concept in social science research. Poverty can be defined as a lack of resources necessary for basic human needs, including food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare. When people do not have access to these resources, they are unable to make choices…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Life rewards the extreme in thought and measured in action.

The concept suggests that success often comes to those who are able to think outside the box, take calculated risks, and push beyond the limits of conventional wisdom. However, it also emphasises the importance of balance and practicality in taking action. In other words, having extreme and innovative ideas is…

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150 150 Alexandru R

If we never share our dreams, we condemn ourselves to forever dreaming alone.

The concept highlights the importance of sharing our goals and aspirations with others. Dreams are powerful motivators that can drive us to achieve great things, but they can also be overwhelming and seem unattainable when we keep them to ourselves. When we share our dreams with others, we invite support,…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Intricate plans are the thieves of great experiences.

The concept is rooted in the idea that being overly attached to specific plans or expectations can prevent us from fully experiencing and enjoying the present moment, the present moment being the place where any and every experience happens. When we become fixated on intricate plans, we often focus too…

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150 150 Alexandru R

You will struggle to convince someone of something they are cognitively unable to comprehend.

The concept suggests that no matter how much you try to persuade or explain an idea to someone, if they don't have the capacity or ability to understand it, they won't be convinced. It is not just about the lack of knowledge, but also about the lack of capacity to…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Trust has fragile seams.

The concept of "Trust has fragile seams" suggests that trust is a delicate and easily damaged commodity. Trust is built over time through consistent actions and behaviours, but it can be quickly broken by a single act of betrayal or dishonesty. Trust is not a one-way street, and it requires…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Wild hearts are integral to our society for they are the brave who dare to see the big picture. If we are to survive our inevitable demise, we will do so not with square minds but with wild hearts.

The concept suggests that in order for society to thrive and overcome its challenges, we need individuals who are willing to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. These individuals are those who are unafraid to take risks, explore new ideas, and push the boundaries of what is…

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150 150 Alexandru R

We are not just language users, we are language shapers as well. We shape our inherited language, therefore the language we use is important, for it will in turn be inherited by future generations.

The concept highlights the idea that language is not a static entity but that it is a constantly evolving system that is shaped by its users. As we use language to communicate, we are not only utilising the words and grammar that we have inherited from our predecessors, but we…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Desire is trauma’s sharpest sword.

The concept highlights how our past traumas can have a significant impact on our present desires. Trauma can create deep emotional wounds that remain unresolved and can lead to a range of maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as addiction or destructive behaviour. These coping mechanisms often stem from an intense desire…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Our deepest desires live in our darkest and furthest corners. They are feelings that were born in the light of day. They now live somewhere we seldom go to, in a forgotten chest of memories, and they demand to see the light again.

The concept suggests that our most profound past experiences are often hidden away in the recesses of our minds, in places we seldom explore or revisit. The concept also suggests that our desires are born of profound past experiences. These experiences may have been born from events in our distant…

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150 150 Alexandru R

There is an order to everything in the universe. Whenever we take action, we change the fabric of spacetime. It would appear that our brains can be attuned to these changes, and we call that a sixth sense, intuition, premonition, psychokinesis or telekinesis. It may not be angels, but there is something to be said about how our universe informs us of changes in its fabric, if we are attuned to it. We are an integral part of the cosmos.

The concept of an order in the universe implies that everything in the cosmos is interconnected and works together in a precise and structured way. It suggests that every action we take, no matter how small, has an impact on the fabric of spacetime. This means that the universe is…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Certainty is where curiosity goes to die. Certainty is the blindside we mistake for universal truth and confuse with comfort.

Our certainty comes with a tendency to stop questioning and exploring. Certainty can be seen as a kind of mental block that prevents us from seeking new information or considering alternative viewpoints. When we feel certain, we assume that we already know everything there is to know, and we stop…

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150 150 Alexandru R

We ignore our own pain to our own detriment.

The concept refers to the nature of pain and the way it affects us. At its core, it suggests that when we experience pain, it is something that cannot be ignored or avoided. Whether psychological or physical, pain is a visceral experience that demands our attention, whether we like it…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Live life in a way in which today is envious of tomorrow.

The phrase is a powerful reminder to live life to the fullest and make the most of every moment in the faith that tomorrow will come and it will be greater than today. It also implies that we should always look forward to the future with enthusiasm. Living in a…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Whatever makes atoms cling to each other in such a way that it creates the human brain, and subsequently consciousness, is the root of human intelligence and consciousness itself. That’s where it starts. Consciousness and intelligence, therefore, are not just human characteristics, they are consequences of the basic structure of the universe.

The concept is rooted in the idea that the fundamental laws of physics that govern the behaviour of matter and energy in the universe, including the way atoms interact and bond with one another, ultimately give rise to human consciousness and intelligence. Atoms are the building blocks of matter, and…

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150 150 Alexandru R

When it all goes dark inside, wonder is your saviour, should you be so brave to ask for its helping hand.

The idea suggests that when one is going through a difficult or a challenging time, maintaining a sense of wonder can help us find hope through the natural beauty that is all around us. It implies that wonder can be a powerful tool for coping with dark times, as it…

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150 150 Alexandru R

The misery you judge in others is the misery that lives within you.

The concept is a variation of the original idea that suggests that when we judge others harshly for their negative traits or behaviours, it may be because we possess those same traits or have experienced similar negative feelings ourselves, which we now feel shame for. Criticism often stems from a…

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150 150 Alexandru R

The universe has disguised its infinite knowledge and fundamental truths in day-to-day experiences.

The concept suggests that the vast and complex knowledge of the universe is hidden within the ordinary events and experiences of our lives. This idea implies that the universe, with its infinite wisdom and profound truths, is not separate from our daily existence but rather intertwined with it, waiting to…

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150 150 Alexandru R

The true self reveals itself to kind eyes.

The concept highlights the importance of kindness in the process of revealing our true natures. If one is driven by love, compassion and kindness, we hold space for our true natures to exist outside of judgement and fear. This concept widely practised in psychotherapy can be applied inwardly as well…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Be mindful of the life-long sentences you give out, especially the ones you give out to yourself.

The statement is a reminder that the way we think about ourselves and our circumstances can have a powerful impact on our lives. It is important to be mindful of the language we use when talking to ourselves and others, and to be aware of the long-term effects that our…

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150 150 Alexandru R

The number one cause for all the suffering in the world is trauma. Whether it is war or the way we mistreat each other, trauma is the principal guide, and what a horrid guide it is.

Trauma can be defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that overwhelms a person's ability to cope, leaving them feeling helpless, powerless, and fearful. Trauma can be caused by a wide range of events, such as war, violence, abuse, neglect, natural disasters, accidents, and more. The idea that trauma…

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150 150 Alexandru R

So complex is the flow of life that peace and war are not just two sides of the same coin, but essential components of universal harmony in equal measure.

Let’s break it down. The statement "so complex is the flow of life" acknowledges the intricate and multifaceted nature of existence. Life is composed of a vast array of interconnected elements that interact in countless ways, resulting in an infinite variety of outcomes. The complexity of life ensures that it…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Love is the energy you harness inside and distribute outside without any other intent but the simple desire to live in its warmth.

Love is a powerful energy that is present within us all, waiting to be harnessed and shared with the world. The concept is a beautiful way of describing the purest form of love. When we harness the universal energy of love inside of us, we tap into a wellspring of…

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150 150 Alexandru R

We don’t seek fortune tellers because we want to know our future. We do it because we want to believe that things have the potential to get better still.

The concept of seeking out fortune tellers or psychics is often associated with the pursuit of clarity, certainty, and a desire to know what the future holds. However, the deeper motivation behind this behaviour is, in my opinion, the need for hope and the belief that things can get better.…

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150 150 Alexandru R

Our sense of what is real – what information we gather through our senses – dictates what we can achieve and aspire to. We are limited by our nurture and nature. Although our imagination is born of them, that’s also where imagination ends – within that limit. Others help us reach beyond this limit by colliding our experience with theirs, if we are curious enough to embrace another.

When we refer to our sense of what is real we reflect on the implications of the data we receive through our senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. This perception of reality is shaped by both our nature (our genetic makeup) and our nurture (our environment and…

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150 150 Alexandru R
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