Our certainty comes with a tendency to stop questioning and exploring. Certainty can be seen as a kind of mental block that prevents us from seeking new information or considering alternative viewpoints. When we feel certain, we assume that we already know everything there is to know, and we stop looking for more. Equally, if we avoid this particular trap and still manage to salvage some curiosity regarding a different perspective, we tend to see anything new through the filter of what we know for certain.
This kind of certainty can be dangerous, particularly when it comes to complex and nuanced issues. When we are too certain about something, we can become closed-minded and dogmatic. We can lose our ability to listen to other perspectives and engage in constructive dialogue.
The second part of the idea, namely “Certainty is the blindside we mistake for universal truth and confuse with comfort” highlights how our sense of certainty can be misleading. We can easily mistake our own beliefs and opinions for objective truth, and we can become so attached to our certainty that we view any challenge to it as a threat to our sense of self.
Furthermore, our sense of certainty can also provide us with a sense of comfort. We often seek certainty as a way of feeling secure and in control, but this can be a false sense of security. The world is complex and ever-changing, and certainty can give us a false sense of stability that can be shattered at any moment.
In conclusion, while certainty can provide us with a sense of comfort and security, it can also be a dangerous trap that prevents us from exploring new ideas and considering alternative perspectives. It is important to cultivate a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness, even in the face of uncertainty. Only then can we continue to learn and grow as individuals and as a society.