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Alexandru R

For the women

I love how I can still impress my mother –
She always made me feel like I belonged.

I love how I don’t have to impress my boss –
She already knows I’m capable of great things.

I love how my cousin is a kind fool, like me –
She is the sister I never had and always wanted.

I love how my aunt is not quite my mother –
She teaches me about multi-dimensional women.

I love that my therapist thinks I’m a genius –
She’s held my giant and she knows me profoundly.

I love how my best friend celebrates my success –
She always thought I’m to be famous one day.

I love listening to Oprah, and Brene, and Pink –
They fill in the wisdom gaps my mother never could.

I love Jane, and Dolly, and Whoopi, and Wanda –
We will never be friends but we will always be allies.

I love how these women raise me, inspired me –
I am a fully rounded person because of them.

I love, I love, I love, I love – that’s their legacy;
I love how they’re part of me.

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Contemplations on the thoughts of death

Alas, said the ghost of death, you see,
Naked of your gods, you all come to me.
In sprints you rise and in sprints you fall,
The life of man shall cease at dawn.

And from your death you rise again
To stand weary in the world of men.
I pray you see there is no scope
For you to seal your fait with rope.

For glory, many battles you pursue;
For your names in stone to be made true.
Although your life you can’t sustain,
What rose a man shall fall again.

Before you, I shall bring but peace,
In times when life for you will cease.
But wonder now upon your grave,
Isn’t this what man has made?

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Live life in a way in which today is envious of tomorrow.

The phrase is a powerful reminder to live life to the fullest and make the most of every moment in the faith that tomorrow will come and it will be greater than today. It also implies that we should always look forward to the future with enthusiasm.

Living in a way that makes today envious of tomorrow also means actively seeking out opportunities to grow, learn, and develop the skills to face our daily challenges. It means embracing challenges and taking risks, pushing past our comfort zones to discover new passions and unlock our full potential.

Living in this way involves cultivating a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. It means taking time to appreciate the small things in life as they are the building blocks of our future contentment. It means cherishing the now and being fully present in each moment can lead to a sense of excitement to do it all again the next day.

Ultimately, the concept is about creating a life that is rich, fulfilling, and full of purpose. It’s about making the most of every opportunity and never taking a single moment for granted. By doing so, we can live a life that is truly extraordinary, not by looking back at our greatest achievements, but by looking forward to our greatest challenges – there, in the challenge, lies our essence.

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A Special Auction for the Terrence Higgins Trust
Hope (2021, Readymade) Alix de Bretagne

A Special Auction for the Terrence Higgins Trust

I am delighted to announce my participation in the Terrence Higgins Trust Live Auction, part of The Auction Collective. I am auctioning a readymade entitled “Hope” (2021).

This readymade is incredibly touching, to say the least. It is my reflection on the struggles of people affected by the HIV global pandemic. Anything I would have to say about the pandemic or about the struggle would be futile – I cannot fathom the implications of this deadly virus, the impact it has had over the decades and more importantly, all the great talent we have lost to it. In my contemplation on the affects of the pandemic, I have noticed a common thread – the hope people have for a cure – and that’s what this readymade is all about, hope.

More details here. You can join the live event via Eventbrite.

And as always, long live the King: Freddie Mercury.

1447 1921 Alexandru R

Whatever makes atoms cling to each other in such a way that it creates the human brain, and subsequently consciousness, is the root of human intelligence and consciousness itself. That’s where it starts. Consciousness and intelligence, therefore, are not just human characteristics, they are consequences of the basic structure of the universe.

The concept is rooted in the idea that the fundamental laws of physics that govern the behaviour of matter and energy in the universe, including the way atoms interact and bond with one another, ultimately give rise to human consciousness and intelligence.

Atoms are the building blocks of matter, and the way they interact with each other determines the structure and properties of all the materials in the world, including the human brain. The human brain is made up of billions of neurons, each of which is composed of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.

The chemical reactions that occur in the brain are responsible for creating the electrical impulses that allow neurons to communicate with one another, forming complex networks that enable human thought, perception, and consciousness. These networks give rise to the subjective experience of consciousness, which is the awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.

According to this argument, consciousness and intelligence are not unique to humans, but rather are emergent properties of the universe itself. While human brains may be particularly complex and sophisticated, the same basic principles that give rise to human consciousness can be found at every level of the natural world, from the simplest organisms to the most complex systems.

This perspective challenges the notion that consciousness and intelligence are purely biological phenomena, and suggests that they are deeply rooted in the underlying structure of the universe. This is where our philosophical theory is important as it presents science with the task of challenging long-held beliefs so that we may develop our understanding of the natural world further. By understanding the basic principles that give rise to these phenomena, scientists may be able to gain new insights into the nature of consciousness and intelligence, and ultimately, into the nature of the universe itself.

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Conceptual Art Explained

Conceptual Art might be a very abstract notion for one to understand. My audience rarely has a good understanding of Conceptual Art, so don’t worry if you’ve landed on this page! This page is for you. Let’s spend a few minutes understanding Conceptual Art.

If you have 12 minutes or so, this video from PBS’s Art Assignment: The Case for Conceptual Art is the best quick crash course in Conceptual Art. If you have less than 12 minutes to spare for this, here’s a quick summary: 

Conceptual Art is a movement started in the early 20th century by several artists, like Duchamp, Kosuth,  Huebler, LeWitt and many others. Here’s what LeWitt had to say about Conceptual Art and I think this defines the movement quite nicely:

“In conceptual art, the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. (…) It means that all planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes the machine that makes the art.”

Sol LeWitt in Paragraphs on Conceptual Art, Artforum, 1967

If this explanation makes you ask yourself “why do away with the aesthetic”, I have an answer for you from Huebler. When I create my art, my thinking on the “why” is very similar to his:

“The world is full of objects, more or less interesting; I do not wish to add any more. I prefer, simply, to state the existence of things in terms of time and/or place”.

Of course, I’m not advocating that the way to go is to stop making art pieces. Simply put, I am looking at what relevance the object has in communicating the concept – that’s it. Creating the space where the art consumer comes to understand my ideas is my only goal.

Conceptual art makes it possible for artists to express themselves in different mediums, not putting the emphasis on the execution, but rather on the suitability of the material. If you solely look at art for the execution and think that’s all art is, beautifully executed objects, I would strongly encourage you to explore a different perspective. Next time you are faced with conceptual art, explore how it makes you feel: Conceptual Art liberates not just artists, but art consumers as well. It is a protest against the status quo, a signal to say “we care about what we think, rather than how we say it”. If you still find Conceptual Art very elusive, I will leave you with this quote (from the video) that I feel is a good motto for Conceptual Art:

Marble crumbles, paintings fade, but ideas last forever.

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When it all goes dark inside, wonder is your saviour, should you be so brave to ask for its helping hand.

The idea suggests that when one is going through a difficult or a challenging time, maintaining a sense of wonder can help us find hope through the natural beauty that is all around us. It implies that wonder can be a powerful tool for coping with dark times, as it can inspire curiosity, creativity, and a sense of awe. To clarify, the concept of dark times and the darkness inside refers to feelings of loss, internal struggle and/or turmoil, confusion, distress, heartache and/or heartbreak, and/or any emotion that presents itself as an unsolvable problem. 

When things seem bleak and hopeless, it can be easy to lose sight of the beauty and magic that exists in the world. Having said that, this experience should not and cannot be invalidated. Our pain cannot be denied, even when it blindsides us to the beauty around us. The tragedies and traumas we face in our lives are real experiences that demand to be acknowledged. 

I propose that wonder and curiosity can be a powerful source of comfort, reminding us to keep an open mind and to look for awe even in the most difficult of circumstances. It seems intuitive to me that one should seek wonder, not for the sake of survival, but because I believe we all are deserving of peace, understanding and the best things this world has to offer all of us.

By cultivating our courage to seek wonder, and indeed use it as a means to discover the beauty around us, we can find the strength to acknowledge our struggles and the motivation to keep searching for meaning and purpose in our lives. So when it feels like everything is going wrong and it’s all going dark inside, remember that wonder can be your saviour, guiding you towards the natural beauty of the world and on your path toward inner peace.

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The misery you judge in others is the misery that lives within you.

The concept is a variation of the original idea that suggests that when we judge others harshly for their negative traits or behaviours, it may be because we possess those same traits or have experienced similar negative feelings ourselves, which we now feel shame for.

Criticism often stems from a place of discomfort or dissatisfaction within ourselves. For example, if we are highly critical of someone for being lazy or unmotivated, it may be because we struggle with our own motivation and productivity. Similarly, if we criticise someone for being selfish, it may be because we struggle with our own tendencies towards self-centeredness.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t pass judgement when it is necessary and when it is constructive to do so. This concept highlights the idea that our criticisms of others may be a reflection of our own unresolved issues and internal struggles. It can be difficult to acknowledge and address our own flaws, and indeed our own humanity, so it can be easier to focus on the flaws of others. However, this approach ultimately invalidates the other person’s humanity and leads to more suffering and disconnection.

To break this pattern, it’s important to practise self-awareness and introspection. By acknowledging our own struggles and insecurities, we can approach others with more empathy and understanding. We can also work towards addressing our own negative patterns and behaviours, which can help us become more compassionate, understanding and accepting of others.

The concept is a reminder to approach others with compassion and understanding, and to focus on our own personal growth and healing. By doing so, we can create deeper connections with others and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life for ourselves.

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The universe has disguised its infinite knowledge and fundamental truths in day-to-day experiences.

The concept suggests that the vast and complex knowledge of the universe is hidden within the ordinary events and experiences of our lives. This idea implies that the universe, with its infinite wisdom and profound truths, is not separate from our daily existence but rather intertwined with it, waiting to be discovered and profoundly understood.

One way to interpret this concept is through the lens of interconnectedness, where the universe and its fundamental truths are not isolated from our lives but are instead woven into the fabric of our experiences. This interconnectedness can be seen in the balance between chaos and order, as the universe offers a perfect example of harmony between these two forces.

Additionally, the idea of emergence in the universe suggests that complex systems and patterns can arise from simple interactions, hinting at the presence of hidden knowledge within seemingly mundane occurrences.

By paying attention to the subtleties of our day-to-day experiences and recognising the interconnected nature of the universe, we can begin to uncover the infinite knowledge and fundamental truths that lie beneath the surface of our reality.

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The true self reveals itself to kind eyes.

The concept highlights the importance of kindness in the process of revealing our true natures. If one is driven by love, compassion and kindness, we hold space for our true natures to exist outside of judgement and fear. This concept widely practised in psychotherapy can be applied inwardly as well as between people.

When someone is treated with kindness, compassion, and understanding, their true nature is more likely to be revealed. Thus, this idea can be seen as a reminder that when we are treated with kindness, we may feel more at ease and more inclined to be open and honest about who we are. It can also be interpreted as a call to be more understanding and compassionate towards others, as this may help to create an environment in which people feel more comfortable being themselves.

It is worth noting that this idea is a generalisation and that individuals may have unique experiences of how they reveal their true selves to others. Additionally, the concept of the true self can be understood and interpreted in different ways by different people, and may be influenced by factors such as culture, personal values, and individual circumstances.

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