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Alexandru R

Certainty is where curiosity goes to die. Certainty is the blindside we mistake for universal truth and confuse with comfort.

Our certainty comes with a tendency to stop questioning and exploring. Certainty can be seen as a kind of mental block that prevents us from seeking new information or considering alternative viewpoints. When we feel certain, we assume that we already know everything there is to know, and we stop looking for more. Equally, if we avoid this particular trap and still manage to salvage some curiosity regarding a different perspective, we tend to see anything new through the filter of what we know for certain.

This kind of certainty can be dangerous, particularly when it comes to complex and nuanced issues. When we are too certain about something, we can become closed-minded and dogmatic. We can lose our ability to listen to other perspectives and engage in constructive dialogue.

The second part of the idea, namely “Certainty is the blindside we mistake for universal truth and confuse with comfort” highlights how our sense of certainty can be misleading. We can easily mistake our own beliefs and opinions for objective truth, and we can become so attached to our certainty that we view any challenge to it as a threat to our sense of self.

Furthermore, our sense of certainty can also provide us with a sense of comfort. We often seek certainty as a way of feeling secure and in control, but this can be a false sense of security. The world is complex and ever-changing, and certainty can give us a false sense of stability that can be shattered at any moment.

In conclusion, while certainty can provide us with a sense of comfort and security, it can also be a dangerous trap that prevents us from exploring new ideas and considering alternative perspectives. It is important to cultivate a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness, even in the face of uncertainty. Only then can we continue to learn and grow as individuals and as a society.

150 150 Alexandru R

The conqueror

Go and tell the sun
I have conquered the day.
I chanted the anthem in my heart
And my mind is my clay.

Go and tell the stars
I have freed the night.
Never will my dreams have to die
Nor will I have ghosts to fight.

Go and tell your gods
I have democratised faith.
I’ve felt love and tasted pain
And in compassion I shall bathe.

Go and tell the world
I have freed the spirit.
It’s flying high, flying wild –
I fought for a cause with holy merit.

150 150 Alexandru R

Four elements

Oh, water!
Wash me with gratitude.

Oh, earth!
Feed me with compassion.

Oh, fire!
Fill my heart with passion.

Oh, wind!
Carry forward my dreams.

150 150 Alexandru R

My anxiety prayer

When I’m anxious in the morning
I shall remember excitement.

When I’m anxious in public
I shall remember I’m not alone.

When I’m anxious at work
I shall remember my value.

When I’m anxious to create
I shall remember my dreams.

When I’m anxious with him
I shall remember patience.

When I’m anxious about the future
I shall remember courage.

When I’m anxious at night
I shall remember peace.

And when I’m anxious in life
I shall remember compassion.

150 150 Alexandru R

Come rise

Come rise, you giant,
Made of clay, come rise.
All that belongs to love
Shall be forgiven.

Come lift your sorrow
And bathe in light today.
All that belongs to love
Shall be remembered.

Come reach the top
Of the mountain of life.
All that belongs to love
Shall be lived.

Come bring your heart
And all the joy and pain.
All that belongs to love
Shall be felt.

Come, you, giant, rise!
And rise over again.
All that belongs to love
Shall be reborn.

150 150 Alexandru R

Love poem

All good things and the joys
Of a fulfilled life and legacy,
And all the corrections and patience,
The cage that locked our hearts.

Love eternal, give me strength
For that which is the love I crave!
And many years in love’s embrace
To fill my soul and bathe in grace.

Bring me partnership, oh love,
Give me that one that lasts forever.
Marry me to devotion and patience
So that I may live in two bodies.

To be honest, that all is just nonsense.
Absolute rubbish, the lot of it!
Empty trash talk, hollow sentiment,
Oh, Shakespeare, there thou aren’t.

Because I didn’t have it in me
To write about my deepest wish;
I didn’t give you a chance to know the truth.
I shouldn’t hide it.

I wish I could tell you now
That regardless of how much this may scare you,
I’ve loved you since the first moment I’ve met you.
That’s it. I love you.

150 150 Alexandru R

At the end of the world

When we first heard
That the world will end,
We felt afraid;
We felt betrayed;
Something shattered
And time stopped.
We felt alone.

We gasped for air,
We said our goodbyes,
And then we waited.
We waited for the end,
We waited to be saved,
We wondered what
Could have been.

We thought about us,
About our old age
And about everything
Being OK.
We looked at us,
The last people –
The best people.

We found a speaker
So we played music;
Eventually, I noticed
Us all moving together.
We danced together –
Of this we were
But none the wiser.

And so we danced
At the end of the world.
Foolish, imperfect,
Smiling, unimportant;
Resentful and forgiving.
Dangerously, Lovingly,
We danced at the end.

150 150 Alexandru R

About time

It’s about time –
The day unravels with earth and sun.

It’s about time –
The darkness shrieks and bellows.

It’s about time –
The soul calls out for adventure.

It’s about time –
Our labour calls to bear fruit.

It’s about time –
And the day goes from still to still.

It’s about time –
Love calls and seeks revenge.

It’s about time –
The dusk and dawn are one.

It’s about time –
We embrace the task ahead.

150 150 Alexandru R


I walk this earth like Athos.

Their weight, my shoulders press
Down to their glorious resting place;
I carry them like chests of gold,
Their wisdom which was left untold.

I press hard into this earth –
And build in parts my own self-worth.
Away from Id I ran and ran,
From earth I came and earth I am.

I have to be the one to try,
With wisdom’s words I cannot die.
Though uneasy the soul shivers
When the boom of courage quivers.

I walk this earth for me.

150 150 Alexandru R

We ignore our own pain to our own detriment.

The concept refers to the nature of pain and the way it affects us. At its core, it suggests that when we experience pain, it is something that cannot be ignored or avoided. Whether psychological or physical, pain is a visceral experience that demands our attention, whether we like it or not.

This concept is often used to describe emotional pain, such as heartbreak, grief, or trauma. When we experience these kinds of emotional pain, it can be tempting to try to push it away or numb ourselves to it. However, the reality is that the pain will always be there, demanding to be felt. The only way to truly move through the pain is to acknowledge it and allow ourselves to feel it fully.

The concept also applies to physical pain. When we experience physical pain, it can be tempting to try to ignore it or distract ourselves from it. However, this can actually make the pain worse in the long run.

In both cases, by acknowledging the pain and seeking appropriate medical care or taking other steps to manage it, we can help to minimise the impact it has on our lives.

Ultimately, the concept is a reminder that pain is a natural part of the human experience. It is not something to be feared or avoided, but rather something to be embraced and managed in a healthy way. By acknowledging our pain and allowing ourselves to feel it fully, we can learn and grow from our experiences, ultimately becoming stronger and more resilient individuals.

150 150 Alexandru R
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