I am delighted to announce my participation in the Terrence Higgins Trust Live Auction, part of The Auction Collective. I am auctioning a readymade entitled "Hope" (2021). This readymade is…
Conceptual Art might be a very abstract notion for one to understand. My audience rarely has a good understanding of Conceptual Art, so don't worry if you've landed on this…
Ai Weiwei is quite possibly one of the best Conceptual Artists of our time and a genius by my standards. His take on ready-mades, his activism and his resilience make…
The idea that you can be objective with art suggests that it is possible to analyze and evaluate art in a way that is unbiased and based on objective criteria.…
“It’s our imagination and the ability to connect that makes art dance and sing, not the art itself – we breathe life into art by seeing a part of ourselves in it””
“Not what I’ve done but what the sea has done” is what he states almost as a core belief, although he doesn’t confess to it directly. The artist Sid Burnard…
Important Notice: The artist formerly known as “Alix de Bretange” has changed their name and brand, as of January 19 2023, to Alexandru R. All past and future works in all mediums shall now be known as the work of Alexandru R, the artist, even if they bare the signature or logo of “Alix de Bretagne”. For further information regarding this change, or for any enquiries, please e-mail alix@alexandrur.com.