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Alexandru R

If I were to comment, I would argue that the nature of humanity is absurd, its existence a total miracle and its courage an act of madness.

The concept can be understood through the lenses of philosophical theories such as absurdism, the philosophical understanding of miracles, and the concept of courage as a form of madness.

Absurdism, a philosophical theory, suggests that the universe is irrational and meaningless, and that attempts to find meaning often lead to conflict. This conflict can be between rational humans and an irrational universe, or between intention and outcome. The absurd arises when human aspirations for a higher form of meaning in life are ignored by an indifferent world. This implies that the absurd is not in humans or the world, but in their presence together. Therefore, the nature of humanity can be seen as absurd due to the inherent conflict between our desire for meaning and the indifference of the universe. It also calls upon the duality of life, a belief held by eastern philosophies, in which two opposing elements can be true at the same time.

The existence of humanity can be viewed as a miracle, a concept often associated with violations of the laws of nature. The usual theistic view of the world presumes the existence of an omnipotent God who, while transcending nature, is able to act within the natural world. This view suggests that the existence of humanity, with its complex biological, psychological, and social structures, could be seen as a chance happening, an exception to the ordinary course of nature.

Courage, in this context, can be seen as an act of madness. This perspective is rooted in the idea that courage often involves going against our basic survival instincts, which can be seen as a form of madness. Courage is often associated with selflessness and sacrifice, which can involve walking towards a personal loss or away from a personal gain in favor of doing the right thing. This act of going against our survival instincts for the greater good can be seen as a form of madness, thus framing courage as an act of madness.

150 150 Alexandru R

Many edges ago

Oh sleep,
Come at once
And take me dreaming,
For I dread
The closing of light.
The quiet
Conquers me
And I am bound
To the night,
Lovelorn to the day.
I want you
To dare
Dream with me.
I want you to hold me.
Here I am.

150 150 Alexandru R

Peacemakers are masters of centric compromise. If you’re on either side, you’ve already committed yourself to some kind of battle, and not to peace.

The philosophical concept is rooted in the idea that peacemakers, by their very nature, seek to find common ground and reconcile differences. This is often associated with the political philosophy of centrism, which emphasises compromise, balance, and pragmatism.

Centrism is arguably not a conventional ideology with specific political goals, but rather a process or activity that seeks to broker deals and compromises that satisfy both sides of a conflict. This approach is often seen as a commitment to process, facilitating structured dialogue among polarised groups with the goal of enabling participants to come up with new perspectives and solutions that address everyone’s core interests.

The concept of peacemaking as a centrist activity is also reflected in the idea that peacemakers do not commit to one side of a conflict, but rather work to understand and reconcile the perspectives of all parties involved. However, it’s important to note that this concept does not imply that peacemakers or centrists are neutral or passive. On the contrary, they are actively engaged in the struggle to understand and reconstruct the perspectives of opposing camps, and to find a middle ground that can hold the body politic together. This is a dynamic process that requires overcoming cognitive and emotional conflicts between opposing sides to reach a state of justice and peace.

Critics of centrism argue that it can enable extremist and polarised status-quos, and they (centrists) refuse to make radical changes that could benefit the masses. However, proponents argue that without peace, other values – including justice – cannot be realised, wealth and prosperity cannot be achieved, and most personal endeavours cannot be pursued.

150 150 Alexandru R


The sweetness starts
With a gentle crackling
From my speaker,
Every now and again.
It cracks just like
A vintage record player,
Almost exactly the same,
And it’s possibly endearing,
Definitely distracting me
From the sweet melody
Of something I love
But forgot about.
Something cut abruptly,
Persistent and patient.
Relentlessly passionate:
My longing.
And for a moment,
Every now and again,
I forget about
How much I miss you.

150 150 Alexandru R


Here’s to all the things
You wanted to be,
And to better.

To what could have been,
And could be and will be.
And to your faith.

To that warm heart
And gentle touch.
And to your love.

To all that you do
And don’t remember.
And to tomorrow.

To you,
My darling everything.
Here’s to you.

150 150 Alexandru R

A world of things

I’ve chased dreams
And flew planes
And dared to
Be crazy brave.
I’ve built empires
And crowned kings,
And witnessed miracles.
I’ve crossed continents
And met people
Who inspired me,
And gods who
Created stars in their hands.
I love them all.
There are so many
Things I love
In this world
And I’ll never
Love any of them
As much as I love you.

150 150 Alexandru R

Crying in public

We need to normalise
Crying in public.
It’s something very normal,
Very kind – a release.
And not everyone cries
Because they’re sad.
My favourite tears
Are those I cry when
I think of you –
They’re such loving, joyful tears.
They start in my chest
Where my heart is,
Where you are, always.
A knot in my neck at first
And then BOOM.
Pour out, love!
Pour out, joy!
Because it’s
Something very normal
To love in public.

150 150 Alexandru R

Someone special

I think you might
Miss me too.
And sometimes
I dream about you
Telling me it meant
Something more to you.
I wish you’d call,
Because if I call
You may not feel the same.
Sometimes I wonder
What it would have been like
If it wasn’t so short;
To have met your friends;
To hold you again;
Oftentimes, I remember
More than I should,
And things that
Never happened.
Oftentimes, I forget that
Hey, it was great
Whilst it lasted –
Memories are never enough.
And oftentimes
I’m grateful I was, briefly,
Someone special to you.

150 150 Alexandru R

Growing pains

I’m thirty three
And I’m afraid
Of doing things
I’m afraid
It will hurt,
It will fall apart,
It will not last.
And then more
And more
I seek the courage
To do more today
Than I did yesterday.
To do –
To be.
And thus,
My darkest fear,
My greatest pain,
You’re in the growing,
Not in the doing.

150 150 Alexandru R

Pride 🏳️‍🌈

It’s something we carry in our hearts
And sometimes share with the world.
It’s our antidote to ignorance
And our calling march in summer.

It’s something we share with our friends
When we dance the nights away.
It’s every drop in our teary eyes
When we catch a glimpse of it in others.

It’s something we build everyday
And fight to keep alive and beaming.
It’s a soft bending, stubborn hope,
A spiritual practice with no dogma.

It’s something in the strut of our heels
And the glitter that covers our wounds.
It’s the glue of our community
And the sweet embrace of our kin.

It’s something living in every broken heart
And it’s somewhere where we all belong.
Our glory anthem. Our war and peace.
Our Pride.

150 150 Alexandru R
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