Posts By :

Alexandru R

Note to self #1

Your strength holds me.
Your resilience inspires me.
Your kindness humbles me.
Your courage guides me.
Your passion keeps me alive.

Thank you for your strength.
Thank you for your resilience.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your courage.
Thank you for your passion.

I’m proud of you.

150 150 Alexandru R

Time arrows

Isn’t it curious
Who we are:
Not just a dot in time
But a line in time,
Hours of time,
An arrow of time.
Isn’t it great how
We grow in time
And with time,
How we’re not just
One moment,
But every moment?
Although it feels like
We’re here just now,
We’ve been here
All along.

150 150 Alexandru R

Morning sun

I love waking up
Early in the morning
When the sun shines through
My double window.
I cover my eyes
Because the sun is bright
And I have sleepy eyes.
The sun that shines
On my bedroom walls
Reminds me of waking up
With the best person,
The right person.
Wake up, wake up –
The sun calls to me gently
So that I can find you again.

150 150 Alexandru R


Hold my demons
Like they were your angels:
I want to feel my soul
Held by yours.

Hold my thoughts
Like they were your jewels:
I want to feel my heart
Held by yours.

Hold my chin up
Like it was your cup:
I want to feel my body
Held by yours.

Hold my arm
Like it was your truth:
I want to feel my presence
Felt by yours.

150 150 Alexandru R

Heart beat

I want to hear my heart beating
When it beats not too slow
And not too fast,
Just beat, beat after beat,
Just slow enough
For me to enjoy this day,
And just fast enough
For my heart to have courage.

150 150 Alexandru R


We are the strangers
Who are strange.
We are the rebels
With a cause.

We stand out,
We stand on our own.
We are lonely
Together with the world.

We are rule benders,
And life preceptors.
We make the
Unknown, known.

We are the savages
Who live in the city.
We are dreamers
Who dream in the light.

150 150 Alexandru R

My double chin

I shaved off my beard today
So I can see my double chin.
I almost don’t want to hide it anymore.
I almost don’t mind it.
It’s almost not mine to hide,
Not yours to judge.
My beard hides my shame,
My mothers’ shame,
So it’s hard to do without.
I almost missed my double chin.
It reminds me of my mother;
I got it from her
And she’s the sweetest thing.
My double chin teaches me
To love my body, see my body,
Just like my mother loves me,
Sees me.
And I never really liked it.
I was never a big fan of it.
My double chin.
But I love the love.

150 150 Alexandru R

If we never share our dreams, we condemn ourselves to forever dreaming alone.

The concept highlights the importance of sharing our goals and aspirations with others. Dreams are powerful motivators that can drive us to achieve great things, but they can also be overwhelming and seem unattainable when we keep them to ourselves. When we share our dreams with others, we invite support, encouragement, and accountability, which can help us to stay focused and motivated.

By keeping our dreams to ourselves, we may also miss out on valuable feedback and insights from others. When we share our goals and aspirations with people we trust, they can offer new perspectives, share their own experiences, and help us to see potential roadblocks that we may not have considered. This can help us to refine our goals, develop new strategies, and ultimately increase our chances of success.

Furthermore, sharing our dreams with others can help us build connections and foster relationships. When we open up about our hopes and aspirations, we allow others to get to know us on a deeper level and create opportunities for mutual support and collaboration. By sharing our dreams with others, we can find allies who share our passions, interests, and goals, and create a sense of community and belonging that can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.

150 150 Alexandru R

I’ll meet you on the clouds

I’ll meet you on the clouds
Is the name of the song
That reminds me that
You live in my dreams.

The dreams you made,
The dreams I made,
The dreams that died
And the dreams I chase.

You flow like the wind
And rise in my thoughts
Just like the sun rises –
Everywhere, all the time.

You taught me that
Flying is very easy –
Just lay on the wind. So
I’ll meet you on the clouds.

150 150 Alexandru R

Intricate plans are the thieves of great experiences.

The concept is rooted in the idea that being overly attached to specific plans or expectations can prevent us from fully experiencing and enjoying the present moment, the present moment being the place where any and every experience happens.

When we become fixated on intricate plans, we often focus too much on the future and overlook the present. We may feel stressed and anxious about ensuring that everything goes according to plan, which can detract from our ability to be fully present and engaged in the moment. Moreover, we may miss out on spontaneous opportunities and experiences that arise, as we are too focused on following a set agenda.

While planning can be helpful, being too attached to intricate plans can prevent us from fully experiencing and enjoying the present moment. Being open to new experiences and remaining present in the moment can allow for a more fulfilling and enriching experience.

150 150 Alexandru R
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